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City of Winner
Streets Department

Kelly Duffy

Street Superintendent

Important Ordinances


Snow Removal From Private Property

 (A)   No person shall remove snow from private properties and dump the snow on a public street, alley, highway or right-of-way within the city.
   (B)   Additionally, no person shall dump snow upon Highway 18 or cause any other obstructions to be placed upon Highway 18 within the city.
(Prior Code, § 5.02.01) (Ord. 518, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -; Ord. 811, passed - -) Penalty, see § 94.999


 Snow and Ice Accumulation on Downtown City Sidewalks

(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of any lot or parcel of ground fronting or abutting upon any sidewalk in the downtown area, as defined herein, to permit or allow any accumulation of snow or ice, which obstructs, impedes or in any manner interferes with the free, unobstructed and safe use of such sidewalk by pedestrians, to be or to remain upon any sidewalk in the downtown area along or in front of any lot or parcel of ground owned, occupied or controlled by said person, for more than 48 hours after the cessation of the storm during which the same fell.

   (B)   In the event that any person in charge of any lot or parcel of ground fronting or abutting upon any public sidewalk in the downtown area, fails to remove the snow and/or ice as set forth in division (A) above, then the city may remove said snow and/or ice and assess the owner, occupant, agent or person in charge of said lot or parcel of ground, a removal fee of $40.

   (C)   The DOWNTOWN AREA to which this section applies shall be the area which includes:

      (1)   Main Street between First Street and Fifth Street;

      (2)   Third Street between Madison Street and Monroe Street;

      (3)   Fourth Street between Madison Street and Monroe Street; and

      (4)   The north side of Fifth Street between Madison Street and Monroe Street.

(Prior Code, § 5.02.02) (Ord. 310, passed - -; Ord. 518, passed - -; Ord. 620, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -; Ord. 811, passed - -; Ord. 843, passed - -) Penalty, see § 94.999


Unlawful Placement of Snow or Ice

 It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of any lot or parcel of ground mentioned in § 94.021 hereof to permit, allow or place any of said snow or ice as mentioned in § 94.021 on any public street, alley or right-of-way within the corporate limits of the city.
(Prior Code, § 5.02.03) (Ord. 310, passed - -; Ord. 620, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -; Ord. 811, passed - -) Penalty, see § 94.999


Snow and Ice Removal from Parking Lots

  (A)   At any time the Street Superintendent finds it necessary for any city controlled parking lots to be cleaned or to have the snow or ice removed therefrom, the Street Superintendent shall have signs placed at the entrances at least six hours before the said parking lots are to be cleaned or to have snow and ice removed.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to leave, allow or let remain parked any motor vehicle, trailer or other movable property after the city has caused signs to be placed on said parking lots prohibiting parking during the stated time on the signs.
(Prior Code, § 5.02.04) (Ord. 310, passed - -; Ord. 333, passed - -; Ord. 518, passed - -; Ord. 526, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -; Ord. 811, passed - -) Penalty, see § 94.999

Speed Limits

Speed Limits in the City of Winner changed in 2023. Here is a list of updated speed limits unless otherwise marked:

Residential areas: 25 MPH

Highway: 30 MPH

School Zone: 15 MPH when children are present


Snow Alert Process


   (A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

      DESIGNATED PARKING AREA. The part of the roadway that is set aside and marked with white parking stripe or yellow parking stripe for parking.

      SNOW PLOWING ALERT. Such times as there is a snow accumulation on the public street of any amount such that the Street Superintendent or his or her designee declares that snow removal operations on the public streets will commence and that the provisions of this section in regard to parking on public streets during snow removal operations are effective and will be enforced.

      STREET. The entire width of any public roadway excluding any designated parking area within the city, and it shall not be limited to those roadways designated as a street but shall include all other names by which public roadways are designated.

   (B)   Declaration of snow plowing alert. When the Street Superintendent or his or her designee determines that snow removal for the public streets will commence, that person will announce through local news media and whatever other sources are available that there has been declared a snow removal alert and that the provisions of this section will be effective and be enforced. The determination to declare a snow removal alert will be based on the then existing weather conditions, and the amount of snow then on the ground or expected according to forecasts from the National Weather Service.

   (C)   Parking during snow plowing alert. Parking on any public street in the city will be completely prohibited, on both sides and regardless of the directional run of that street, during the existence of a snow plowing alert.

   (D)   Termination of snow plow alert. After a snow removal alert has been declared, there will be no declaration of its termination, but the alert shall terminate and the provisions of the section become not effective nor enforceable as to any particular street or portion of a street, as soon as that street or portion thereof has been plowed and cleared of snow accumulation, curb-to-curb, and the snow removal equipment is no longer in operation in the area, after which normal parking may be resumed until the next declared snow plow alert.

(Prior Code, § 5.02.05) (Ord. 333, passed - -; Ord. 570, passed - -; Ord. 573, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -; Ord. 811, passed - -; Ord. 1027, passed 5-2-2022) Penalty, see § 94.999


Emergency Snow Routes


   (A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

      DESIGNATED PARKING AREA. The part of the roadway that is set aside and marked with white parking stripe or yellow parking stripe for parking.

      EMERGENCY SNOW ROUTES. In the City of Winner, those routes that are designated as Emergency Snow Routes, namely: US Highway 18 (2nd Street) from South County Road to 7th Street, 316th Avenue from the Winner Airport to US Highway 18, Lamro Street from 2nd Street to 12th Street, Main Street from 2nd Street to 7th Street, Washington Street from 2nd Street to 6th Street, 6th Street from Washington Street to Country Club Road, Country Club Road from 6th Street to 9th Street, 9th Street from Country Club Road to Winner Regional Hospital, and 7th Street from South County Road to US Highway 18.

      STREET. The entire width of any public roadway excluding any designated parking area within the city, and it shall not be limited to those roadways designated as a street but shall include all other names by which public roadways are designated.

   (B)   When parking is prohibited on emergency snow routes. Whenever there shall have fallen and accumulated any amount of snow or a combination of snow and ice, there shall exist a prohibition against parking on any portion of an emergency snow route until the precipitation has ceased to fall and the roadway of the emergency snow route has been cleared from curb to curb. The prohibition against parking set forth in this section is separate from, and is not dependent upon, a snow plowing alert as provided in § 94.024(B), above.

(Ord. 1027, passed 5-2-2022)2022)

Vehicle Removal


   In addition to any fine or fines provided herein, the city may cause the removal of any vehicle, trailer or other movable property item parked in violation of this subchapter any time snow has accumulated on an emergency snow route or any time a snow plowing alert has been announced and said activity has commenced. The owner, operator or lessee of said motor vehicle so towed must pay the towing charges before the vehicle will be released to said owner, operator or lessee.

(Prior Code, § 5.02.06) (Ord. 518, passed - -; Ord. 526, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -; Ord. 811, passed - -; Ord. 1027, passed 5-2-


325 S Monroe Street

Suite #118

Winner, SD 57580


Phone: 605-842-2606




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Employment Policy Resolution

The City of Winner does hereby declare it is the fundamental policy of the City of Winner to provide equal opportunity to all of its employees and applicants for employment (skilled, unskilled and professional) and to assure there shall be no discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, marital status or political beliefs unless related to a bonified occupational requirement.  To this end, the City of Winner will take steps to equalize opportunity for employment at all levels of denied equal opportunity; minority group members, women and the handicapped; and the City of Winner recognizes an obligation to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified applicant or employee unless the accommodation imposes an undue hardship.

All applicants for employment with the City of Winner will be recruited from the available labor market, evaluated on each person’s individual qualifications and abilities.  All employees shall be afforded equal employment opportunity during their term of employment, and are guaranteed protection against retaliation for exercising any legal or administrative procedures to secure right to equal employment or testifying on behalf of someone else doing so.

All administrators and supervisors are responsible for and shall be committed to achieving and promoting an equal employment opportunity program.

Adoption of this document reaffirms the City of Winner’s policy of non-discrimination in employment, including but not limited to the following:  recruitment, selection, placement, testing, promotion, transfer, discipline, demotion, layoff and termination.   Effective Date:  10-3-88

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